domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

My future

I often think about my future and what do I want to do with it. Now more than ever we have to choose the subjects and what we want to do in school to get into university or something like that. I want to be a make up artist, I've known that since 3rd of eso when for some reason something clicked in my mind and I realised that what I am good at and what I enjoy doing it's make up, so I will persue make up as a career. But sometimes I can't avoid thinking about what if make up doesn't go well? What if I can't do make up anymore? That's the reason I am doing batxillerat, to have options and maybe go to University. If I do choose to go to university, the degrees I will be taking are a degree in history or in philosophy. The two things interest me a lot and I don't know which one I would want to know more. I haven't thought of what would I do when I finish either of the careers, I don't think I want to become a teacher so I don't know what would I do. But all of this is only my second option first of all I want to try and be a make up artist because that is the goal of my life. I adore doing make up and I could never get tired of it. I will probably want to work in a magazine doing editorial make up or in a film set in movies and shows doing characters make up.

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