domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

My opinion on the election's result

This past november 8 the USA elections for the next president were celebrated. I wanted Hillary to win, not because I like her, but because I didn't want Trump to be president. I was pretty sure that Clinton would win because the othe option was way to surreal. But when I was told that Trump had won at first I didn't believe it. Then I realized they were being serious and I got very sad. I don't understand why people would vote for him. I understand the motives behind the WASP voting for him, and the fact that he is different from the other candidates and everything. But what I couln't understand in first place is why any woman would vote him after everything he has said about women. But what's done it's done. I don't thing he will do everything he has said he will. I think that all the extreme things he said he just said to win the elecions and not to actually do them.

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